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פרויקטים אחרונים

Nathan Bar Yadin Scholarships

A collaborative project between the Haifa for Israel Foundation and the Bar Yadin family that supports students in the city of Haifa, aiding them in completing their degrees and providing opportunities for their future.

Since the inception of the partnership between the Haifa for Israel Foundation and the Bar Yadin family, scholarships have been distributed, amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars, benefiting numerous students. The Bar Yadin family, formerly residing in Kiryat Hayim and currently in Texas, established a thriving chain of clothing stores. Years ago, they decided to create a scholarship fund in honor of their late father, Nathan Bar Yadin. This fund aims to give back to the country and immigrants who face numerous challenges in striving for success and progress in life.
Through these scholarships, the Bar Yadin family conveys a message to those students that, with perseverance and a little assistance, they can fulfill all their dreams and succeed. Nathan was born in Cuba in 1937, as his parents had immigrated from Eastern Europe in the late twenties. At the age of 15, he joined the “Zionist Youth Movement,” established in 1952. Nathan was very active in the movement from the beginning, cultivating his. At 18, he came to Israel for a year on behalf of the movement, spending half the time in Jerusalem and half in Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha. During this time, he learned Hebrew, studied about Israel, and experienced kibbutz life. For many years, the Bar Yadin family has been contributing to the community, and for that, we express our gratitude.